Hey Freshmen! Welcome to your one stop shop for all your college needs. There are many events and resources that will help educate and prepare you for your college search and application process. This page will be up all year for you to take advantage of!
Freshmen College Prep Check List:
College Admissions Resources
The SM Counseling Team supports and prepares each student to feel confident about their individualized college goals and aspirations. This database of resources gives our families a comprehensive overview of college admissions, specialized tools and insight from industry insiders.
- College Application Portals and Organizational Tools
- SAT/ACT Testing
- Essays, Activities List and Additional Information
- Researching & Building a College List
- Scholarships
- Financial Aid
- College Athletic Recruiting
- Recommended Books, Podcasts, and Blogs
College Application Portals and Organizational Tools
SAT/ACT Testing
Essays, Activities List and Additional Information
Researching & Building a College List
Financial Aid
College Athletic Recruiting
Recommended Books, Podcasts, and Blogs
Times and Locations Vary for Each College Counselor - Click READ MORE for details