



Santa Margarita's Math Department strives to inspire students to be well balanced individuals and to learn personal responsibility, resourcefulness and tenacity through the lens of mathematics.

Math Department Placement Policy

Students are placed in a Math Class based on the courses they have taken in middle school, scores on the HSPT (High School Placement Test) Exam, and our *SM Math Placement Test as follows:

  • If a student has not completed one full year of a high-school equivalent Algebra 1 course in middle school with B or better the student will be placed in Algebra 1. The student is not required to take the SM Math Placement Exam. All other students MUST take the SM Math Placement Exam.
  • If a student completed one full year of a high-school equivalent Algebra 1 course in middle school with B or better then they will be placed in either Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 based on a student’s performance on our SM Math Placement Exam.


Faculty & Staff

Math Teacher Feature