


At SMCHS, we recognize the opportunities and risks that generative AI brings to education and society as a whole. We are actively leaning in to evaluate and manage AI's impact on every facet of our community: teaching and learning, culture and climate, operations, and administrative functions.

Generative AI at SMCHS

Answering the call to walk with our students through the rapid technological changes of our time, we become life-long learners, mentors, innovators and guardians.  We grant and receive grace to change, and we marvel at God's hand in our midst.

Our Guiding LIGHT

Our Faith:
The beginning and end of all that we do, rooted in our charism and core principles.

Our People:
We are mindful of our students seeking guidance and feedback on AI usage, teachers and staff finding their work disrupted by rapid developments in gen AI, and parents, guardians and grandparents concerned about what the future holds and how the students will be prepared for the unknown.

Our Legacy:
We want to look back and see that we formed thoughtful, courageous and caring leaders and innovators who leverage technology to improve the human condition.

"It is my prayer... that the rapid development of forms of artificial intelligence will not increase cases of inequality and injustice all too present in today’s world, but will help put an end to wars and conflicts, and alleviate many forms of suffering that afflict our human family. May Christian believers, followers of various religions and men and women of good will work together in harmony to embrace the opportunities and confront the challenges posed by the digital revolution and thus hand on to future generations a world of greater solidarity, justice and peace." 

Message of His Holiness the Pope Francis, for the 57th World Day of Peace, January 1, 2024

AI Taskforce

AI Taskforce at SM is a collaboration and dialogue among administrators, teachers, students, and parents to forge a path forward for the community in the AI era. The group will meet one morning a month on a late-start day to consider, adopt, and revise AI-related policies, monitor integration and share best practices. 

Dates for 2024-25:

  • Thursday, Nov. 21
  • Thursday, Dec. 12
  • Wednesday, Jan. 15
  • Tuesday, Feb. 11
  • Wednesday, Mar. 19
  • Wednesday, Apr. 9
  • Wednesday, May 21  


1 2 > showing 1 - 20 of 21 constituents

Regina Bork

Michelle Cho

Clara DeLain

Monique Harrison '00

Ashlyn James '08

Dr. Maria Johnson

Jorge Ledezma

Peter Leonard

Gordon Minton

Michael Omlin

Katherine Plotkin

Liliana Ruiz

Tom Smith

Bryn Williams

Cheri Wood

Policy and Guidance at SMCHS

Download the SMCHS Schoolwide
AI Policy

  • Generative AI will be used to facilitate understanding and development of essential skills, rather than merely completing assignments. AI will complement, not replace, fundamental academic abilities such as reading, analysis, comprehension, and a student's own critical thinking.
  • Instructors may prohibit, manage, or encourage the use of AI technologies depending on the course and assignment. Students should always follow their teacher's specific instructions and guidelines regarding AI usage in each class and assignment.
  • Responsible use: Follow instructions (seek clarity if unsure), fact check, cite. Take responsibility for the use of all AI-generated content, regardless of accuracy or appropriateness. 
  • Safe use: Parental consent (13-17 years old), do not share personally identifiable information (PII), use pre-approved tools
  • Ethical use: Reject bias, harmful content, inequity. Respect copyright and intellectual property.

Clear and repeated communication will support encourage responsible, safe, and ethical usage. In addition to school-wide policies, the following additional communications are available:

Course Policy: Each course policy/syllabus will clarify the instructor's approach to AI use.

Assignment Guidance: Teachers may use a stoplight model to communicate the intended use of AI by assignment. (Graphic coming soon.)


AI Tips and Bytes

At SM we are talking about AI!  One way to raise awareness is through AI Tips and Bytes, a recurring one-minute segment on Eagle TV where we share best practices and address concerns.  On 10/24/2024, Tyler Brummel and Jack Bandura, reporters with Eagle TV, shared out the results and implications of the September student survey.  About 80% of students responding had used AI chatbot such as ChatGPT, for research, learning, homework, and other uses. Students mainly learned about AI from social media, YouTube and peers, and are concerned about academic integrity, ethical use, and impact on the future. One educational implication we highlighted was how using AI as shortcut can lead to "false fluency," where one thinks they learned something when they hadn't.  This becomes obvious during tests, in college, or on the job. We want students to really learn and build strong skills so they can control AI, not be controlled by it. 

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Honor/Academic Integrity

Trust is the glue that binds a learning community together so all may benefit from a fair, honest and authentic learning environment.  It can be strengthened or broken through individual and collective actions.  Building and maintaining trust is a shared and treasured responsibility of every member of the SM community, and to that end, we pledge to embrace and live out the principles of academic integrity and intellectual honesty, and to not tolerate actions that are contrary. This includes, and is not limited to, completing and submitting work that accurately reflects student’s own effort, abiding by teacher guidance for appropriate usage of available tools such as AI, and respecting contributions of others through appropriate citation. 

SMCHS pre-approved tools

Why These Tools Are Pre-Approved?

We approve tools that meet rigorous standards for student privacy, data security, and compliance with educational regulations such as FERPA and COPPA. These platforms ensure a secure, compliant, and responsible use of technology in our school.


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