Today's students face a sexualized culture where dangerous behaviors regarding intimacy, alcohol, drugs, sexting, porn, and "hooking up" are increasingly promoted across various mediums. Consequently, schools throughout the country are seeing more cases of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual assault cases among their students. Our Catholic faith calls us to respond to these social challenges as disciples of Christ. We seek to equip our students with the skills to protect themselves and their peers while fostering a culture of love and respect, living out our school's charism of Caritas Christi - the love of Christ.
Internationally renowned speaker and critically acclaimed author Mike Domitrz will bring the powerful educational program "Safer Choices" to SMCHS in both an all-school assembly and parent presentation. This one-hour parent presentation promises to be interactive, thought-provoking, and sure to leave you with practical tips to help your son/daughter make safer choices.