Diversity • Inclusion • Vision • Equity
“Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.” (Romans 15:7)
Statement of CaRITAS CHRISTI
An extension of the values espoused in the school charism of Caritas Christi, the work of the DIVE Committee is consistent with the Christian values at the center of Catholic social teaching. DIVE initiatives are a response to Christ’s call for us to live Caritas Christi, the love of Christ, caring for one another with compassion, humility, justice and goodness just as Jesus did in the Gospels. By embodying the Gospel values, we can be the heart of Christ in the world today. DIVE is one of the many ways the Santa Margarita community strives to live God’s grace, mercy and love for one another. The work of DIVE promotes our core principles of Caritas Christi – compassion, humility, justice and goodness and the guiding principles of Catholic social teaching – the dignity of human life, subsidiarity, the common good and solidarity.
“Join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.” - Romans 15:6-7
The Sacred Heart Climate Committee is a group of student leaders that include representatives from Peer Ministry, ASB, DIVE, Speak Up! Ambassadors, and the athletic department. These students actively demonstrate the school’s charism of Caritas Christi by living out the four Core Principles of Compassion, Humility, Justice and Goodness. Through the embodiment of Gospel values, the goal of the committee is to develop a more inclusive and safe school community with decisions driven by the data collected from the student body and overseen by the school’s administration.
SMCHS proposes the formation of a Caritas Circle for our student community. SMCHS is committed to providing a safe environment that allows students to flourish consistent with Catholic social teaching. The Catholic church rejects unjust discrimination. We must protect, welcome into our hearts, and reach out to others in love, just as Jesus did. Whether we understand or agree with another’s experience, we must not allow violations of human dignity and create a safe space in which all students can experience the love of Christ –
Caritas Christi.
Statement of Purpose
It is vital for our students to:
- LEARN about themselves and gain insight into the experiences of others;
- THINK CRITICALLY about history as well as contemporary society;
- FIND FREEDOM within the power of knowledge;
- BE EMPOWERED to change and improve their lives and communities.
As an Eagle family, we want our graduates to be LEADERS, INNOVATORS and CHANGEMAKERS.
Our goal is to make sure that each student, faculty, and staff member is not only expertly educated, but
- stands up for justice
- speaks out against inequity
- seeks diversity and inclusion in every aspect of life.
This is consistent with our charism of Caritas Christi – the love of Christ – through humility, compassion, justice, and goodness. At Santa Margarita Catholic High School, we strive to purposefully center our lives around diversity, inclusion, equity and justice so that we can inspire all students, teachers and faculty to excel, serve and love.
For more information, please contact SMCHS D.I.V.E.