


Baccalaureate Mass

The celebration of graduation from a Catholic high school is most specifically centered on Christ, and the Baccalaureate ceremony, religious in nature, finds its highest expression in union with Our Lord in the Mass. It is at this mass that we come together as a community to celebrate and pray for our graduates as they continue their journey. Please join us for the celebration of Baccalaureate Mass to be held at 5 p.m. on May 29, 2025 in the Moiso Family Pavilion. Each graduating senior will receive 2 tickets to the Baccalaureate Mass. Seating in the Moiso Family Pavilion is first-come, first-serve and doors to the gym will open at 4:30 p.m. Parking will be available in the front and back lots. 

Please refer to the Parent Student Handbook for guidelines on Dress Code for this special event. Specific questions may be directed to the Assistant Principal for Mission Integration, Patrick Visconti at viscontip@smhs.org.   


Seniors will receive their medallion during this ceremony. Please remove your gown from the packaging and hang it overnight to reduce the fold marks. Proper dress is required under the graduation gown. All graduates are required to wear their gowns. Caps, stoles, and cords are not to be worn.

Dress code for ladies – dresses or pantsuits, dress shoes, and your graduation gown (no cap, no cords). 

Dress code for gentlemen – dress slacks, dress shoes, collared shirt, tie and your graduation gown (no cap, no cords).


SMCHS Legacy

Here at SMCHS, we now have students who are second generation graduates! The alumni department would like to recognize Class of 2024 Legacy families during the Baccalaureate Mass by having their parent(s) who graduated from SM present the student with a stole to signify that they are a legacy graduate. The stole will have the SM crest on one side, with the graduating years of the parent(s) and graduating child on the other.  ​


Must have at least 1 parent who is an SM graduate

Please email lopezb@smeaglefoundation.org to confirm your child’s legacy status. ​


Frequently Asked Questions