student leadership
Link Crew
Link Crew trains upperclassmen to serve as mentors for the freshman class. As positive role models, Link Crew leaders are motivators, leaders and teachers who help guide freshmen and help them discover what it takes to be successful at Santa Margarita Catholic High School.
Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors assist 8th graders in making their high school decision, lead school tours and represent SMCHS at various special events. Apply today if you are interested in being a Student Ambassador.
Team Managers and Student Aides
Team Managers assist coaches and Student Aides assist all departments.
Peer Ministry
In the spirit of Jesus and His message, Campus Ministry, in conjunction with the Religion Department, offers an alternative class for senior religion called Peer Ministry. The first semester of the class emphasizes Christian leadership while the second half focuses on world spirituality. The class trains students to be peer ministers with students planning all-school masses, school prayer services, retreats for all grade levels, praise and worship activities, Christian service projects and most importantly, students are encouraged to create new ministry opportunities for the SMCHS community. Students must be willing to attend meetings and events after school, before school and/or on the weekends. The Peer Ministry class equips students with the ability to be leaders in their church, local community as well as in college. In a broader sense, they go out knowing what it means to be a servant leader.
For further information please contact Director of Campus Ministry Mr. Patrick Visconti.
Speak UP! Ambassadors
Speak UP! ambassadors are trained by mental health professionals as peer helpers to provide social-emotional support to classmates. Ambassadors can offer resources, help in talking to an adult and guidance with problem-solving.